Free Science

Stand up for free speech on evolution by joining the more than 20,000 people who have signed Discovery Institute’s Academic Freedom Petition. Wherever academic freedom to question Darwin’s theory is challenged, Discovery Institute may deliver this petition to government or education officials to show the widespread support that exists for full discussion about Darwinian evolution. Note: The petition will list the name and state of signers, but not their email address or other contact information.

Academic Freedom Petition

We, the undersigned American citizens, urge the adoption of policies by our nation’s academic institutions to ensure teacher and student academic freedom to discuss the scientific strengths and weaknesses of Darwinian evolution. Teachers should be protected from being fired, harassed, intimidated, or discriminated against for objectively presenting the scientific strengths and weaknesses of Darwinian theory. Students should be protected from being harassed, intimidated, or discriminated against for expressing their views about the scientific strengths and weaknesses of Darwinian theory in an appropriate manner.


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When you sign the Academic Freedom petition, you will get access to the following free resources:

  • A 57-page report on the top scientific problems with chemical and biological evolution.
  • A legal analysis of why academic freedom laws are constitutional.
  • Information on legislation you can propose in your state to support academic freedom on evolution.
  • Resources to promote academic freedom in your local school district.
  • A weekly Nota Bene newsletter to keep you informed about debates over evolution and intelligent design around the nation.