Free Science

2016 Poll: Public Opinion on Scientific Dissent
As Americans celebrate their country’s freedom this holiday weekend, a new nationwide survey has been released revealing that an overwhelming 93% of American adults agree that “teachers and students should have the academic freedom to objectively discuss both the scientific strengths and weaknesses of the theory of evolution.” And 88% agree that “scientists who raise scientific criticisms of evolution should have the freedom to make their arguments without being subjected to censorship or discrimination.” Read More ›

Zogby Polls on Teaching Evolution, Summary from 2001 to 2009

2009: Zogby International Poll, Likely Voters Question Which of the following two statements come closest to your own opinion? 14% | Biology teachers should teach only Darwin’s theory of evolution and the scientific evidence that supports it. 78% | Biology teachers should teach Darwin’s theory of evolution, but also the scientific evidence against it. 7% | Neither/Not Sure: Question Would you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree that teachers and students should have the academic freedom to discuss both the strengths and weaknesses of evolution as a scientific theory? Total Agree: 80% Total Disagree: 16% Neither/Not Sure: 4% National random sample of 1,053 American likely voters. Poll conducted by Zogby International from January 29-January 31, 2009.  Margin of error is Read More ›

On Darwin’s 200th Birthday, Zogby Poll Shows Dramatic Jump in Americans Who Favor Teaching Both Sides of Evolution

Austin, TX | A new Zogby poll on the eve of Charles Darwin’s 200th birthday shows a dramatic rise in the number of Americans who agree that when biology teachers teach the scientific evidence for Darwin’s theory of evolution, they also should teach the scientific evidence against it. Surprisingly, the poll also shows overwhelming support among self-identified Democrats and liberals for academic freedom to discuss the “strengths and weaknesses” evolution. Download complete poll report here Download crosstab results here Over 78% of likely voters agree with teaching both the evidence for and against Darwin’s theory, according to the poll. “This represents a dramatic 9-point jump from 2006, when only 69% of respondents in a similar poll favored teaching both sides,” said Discovery Read More ›

In Zogby Poll, 69% Favor Teaching Evidence for and Against Darwin’s Theory

Seattle, WA | A new nationwide poll by Zogby International shows that 69 percent of Americans support public school teachers presenting both the evidence for Darwinian evolution, as well as the evidence against it. “This poll shows widespread support for the idea that when biology teachers teach Darwin’s theory of evolution they should present the scientific evidence that supports it as well as the evidence against it,” said Casey Luskin, program officer for public policy and legal affairs with Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture. By more than two to one, voters say that biology teachers should teach Darwin’s theory of evolution, but also the scientific evidence against it. Approximately seven in ten (69%) side with this view. In contrast, one Read More ›

Is Science Democratic?

A recent Zogby International poll found that 65 percent of Ohioans believe “Biology teachers should teach Darwin’s theory of evolution, but also the scientific evidence against it.” Only 19 percent favored biology teachers teaching just Darwin’s theory and only that evidence which supports it.

In Zogby Poll, 71% Say Teaching on Darwin’s Theory Should Include Counter Evidence

More than seven in ten (71%) respondents believe Darwin’s theory of evolution should be taught, but such instruction should include evidence against the theory. Fourteen percent are not sure. Those who feel that the scientific evidence that goes against Darwin’s theory should be taught include 78% each of Republicans, residents of the West, and parents of children under 17. Most 18-29 year-olds (80%) also agree that teachers should include the evidence against it. Read More ›