Academic Freedom Day
Across the country academic freedom on evolution is being trampled every day. Scientific research challenging Darwinism is thwarted. Teachers trying to discuss these challenges with their students are censored. Even students are subject to harassment and prejudice for expressing views that are skeptical of Darwinism. Scientists, educators, students need your help to protect their academic freedom rights.
Darwin Day
Each year on Feb. 12, supporters of Darwin’s theory celebrate “Darwin Day” with one-sided events that have all the trappings of a religious holiday. Usually “Darwin Day” events promote intolerance and dogmatism, a far cry from the mindset of open inquiry advocated by Charles Darwin himself.
Instead of celebrating dogmatism on Darwin Day, we encourage you to promote academic freedom in line with the words of Darwin himself:
“A fair result can be obtained only by fully stating and balancing the facts and arguments on both sides of each question.”
Academic Freedom Day events can be as simple as having a table on campus where people can sign the Academic Freedom Petition and find out more about academic freedom on evolution. Or the events can be more elaborate, including the screening of a video or hosting of a speaker.
For more information about Academic Freedom Day and academic freedom issues please e-mail us.